Other Important Figures in the Harlem Renaissance


Chester Himes (1909-1984), writer and 1958 winner of France's Grand Prix de Litterature Policiere.  Photograph by Carl Van Vechten in 1946.


Ella Fitzgerald (1917-1996), "The First Lady of Song" began her career in Harlem.  Photograph by Carl Van Vechten, taken in 1940.


Miguel Covarrubias (1904-1957), Mexican painter, caricaturist and illustrator. His art was highly influential in America during the Harlem Renaissance.


Billie Holiday (1915-1959), "Lady Day."  Photograph by Carl Van Vechten was taken in 1949.


James Weldon Johnson (1871-1938), author, educator, lawyer and diplomat.  He was best known for his leadership in the NAACP.  Photograph by Carl Van Vechten was taken in 1932.


Nora Holt (1890-1974), American singer, composer and music critic, was the first African American to receive a master's degree in the United States.  She was the co-founder of the National Association of Negro Musicians.  Photograph taken by Carl Van Vechten in 1932.

Other Important Figures in the Harlem Renaissance