Jacinta Sanchez Audio Clip 1
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Jacinta Sanchez Audio Clip 1
Latino Digital Mural Oral History Project
1 March, 2011
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You know like kids, like minorities, music because I remember the age of however old I was in fourth grade. I was in Carter MacRae elementary school in the city here and I remember having this like desire to pick up the violin and play it and that was the first year I had ever touched a violin and I was in fourth grade and I just had this love. I immediately just fell in love with it but I never had like the support from my parent to play and at that age it is so important that your parents take you to lessons and make sure that you have an instrument and make sure you practice it. Just the support that you know a fourth grader needs. The structure and I didn't have that so I kind of just left that and let it go to nothing or better said that just kind of went to nothing, you know I can’t really just take too much of the credit for it or the blame for it at that age. So um years go on and I actually picked up the violin in the elementary school I mean middle school. Seventh grade, I believe and we played in a little orchestra that was Hamd middle school and um our teacher Mrs. Regitz, I believe her name was. She taught our little orchestra but everyone was bad [laughs]. It was just kind of playing these folk songs you know. We played “Good King Wenceslas, I remember that and that is just like really easy, you know? So that wasn’t challenging it was just kind of you know. And I remember writing every note in. Now as I study music as a young adult and I am like “That is the worst thing you could ever tell your kids to do” to write all the notes in. That is still a handicap, that is such a handicap and so I look back in retrospect and I am like ok, there are things that could have been adjusted to make a better transition to me but um yeah, I don’t know
Other Media
“Jacinta Sanchez Audio Clip 1,” Millersville University Digital Exhibits, accessed November 22, 2024, https://millersvillearchives.com/items/show/815.